I took a half day off today as an engineer was coming to install my satellite dish...Not! He said he never done such a big dish as my one is around 80cm and he recommended another engineer who din not know either! I could not believe that, never mind now I am waiting an answer from 3 different companies to see are they going to install my dish.
There were not many games today, so I made 5 trades in total, as the last one was mad. the first three trades were in good spirit and I was thinking to head for the bed. However I made a last one on the copa Sudamericana game where I made 4% green on my stake alone on this trade, then became greedy and was severely punished. Then I put all my remaining balance on overs and got lucky but trading wise I am a crab trader recently and only Lady luck has saved me as she has been on my shoulder quite a few times. After my greedy trade where I lost 34% of my stake, the professional thing had to be to stop trading and call it a night, but no I am not professional at all. I am not able to accept a loss and start chasing like a true looser. That way of doing things will finish in disaster very soon.
Anyway I made just above 73% on my stake or £268 but I am kidding myself big time.