Thursday, August 19, 2010

Glorious madness

What a day today! Wanted to finish work as quick as possible and to come back to start trading. Of course when trading is going well I enjoy it immensely,but that is natural feeling i suppose.It was fast and furious at times, breathtaking! Some of the trades were crazy and stupid and some were a gold mine. All in all I made 15 trades with 2 negative and 12 green ones and one neutral. When i am evaluating my trades now I should have acted more fast on my losses and there seems a long way to go until I perfect my trading to the standards required. I hate losses as everyone else does, it is psychological with me I suppose. Made just above 28% back on my stake which by all means is a smashing achievement by my standards.

Meanwhile Mudflaps from Betting for a living bloq is quitting for good. I really was enjoying his short and informative blog. But there you go i wish him all the success in the world.

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